This garden aims to redefine the image of the vehicular hub, highlighting the landscape, historical and ecological values of Rome as main elements of its structure and composition.
Design strategies:
Garden as heritage. The landscape is composed featuring an Arco di Trionfo (symbolizing the Roman legacy, with its materiality reinterpreted to encourage plant growth), topographies (evoking the seven hills of Rome), and a palette of representative plant species. Its structure visually integrates Monte Mario, Villa Mazzanti, and the Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma.
Garden as infrastructure. A system of vegetated ditches and slopes is implemented, restricting pedestrian access and aiding in the filtration and retention of rainwater during extreme weather events, transforming the hub into a sustainable urban drainage system.
Garden as biotope. The garden fosters biological connectivity between Tiber River and Monte Mario through a stratified selection of vegetation that enhances soil biota and facilitates nesting, feeding, and reproduction of fauna. Additionally, the base of the Arco di Trionfo houses an insect hotel that catalyzes biological processes.
ConcorsoAvventure creativeAnno 2024 - PartecipanteAutore/iDaniel Tello, Lina Flò